1st Choice Inspection is the only call you need to make. We will take care of all your inspection needs.
Specializing in many area's and leaders in the industry.
Inspection Pricing | We offer services in packages to save you money. If you are interested in a Basic Inspection we do this also.
Buyer Inspection | Buyer’s Inspections are designed to identify issues that concern the home buyer.
Seller Inspection | Seller’s (Pre-listing) Inspections are designed to identify any issues that may be of concern to potential buyers.
New Construction | If you’re having a new home built, get a pre-drywall inspection and a pre-closing inspection. If you’re buying a new home that has already been built, get a home inspection. If you’ve already purchased a new home but you skipped the inspection, schedule a one-year warranty inspection before your warranty expires.
Foreclosure Inspection | Foreclosures can present substantial financial gain for the buyer but these properties can have their own unique set of problems.
Chimney Inspection | Chimney Inspections Can Detect Problems Early & Keep Dangers At Bay
Deck Inspection | Deck Inspections are extremely important when 30 million decks are past their life and need replacement

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